
High Schools - Aldine ISD

Click on a school below to view information about that school. Any of the members for the schools listed below can be added as your friends and will appear on your profile. Schools with next to them have custom websites designed specifically for that school.

Aldine High School (641)

11101 Airline Drive
Houston, TX 77037-1183

Carver High School (7)

2100 South Victory Street
Houston, TX 77088-7699

Eisenhower High School (1440)

7922 Antoine Drive
Houston, TX 77088-4398

MacArthur High School (179)

4400 Aldine Mail Route Road
Houston, TX 77039-5999

Nimitz High School (287)

2005 W.W. Thorne Drive
Houston, TX 77073-3301

Total Schools: 5
Total Custom Websites: 4
Total Members: 2554


Select * from V_Schools where districtid = '7' order by schoolname
SchoolAddressCity, State, ZipPhoneFAX
Aldine High School11101 Airline DriveHouston28144852312818780641
Carver High School2100 South Victory StreetHouston28187803102815918579
Eisenhower High School7922 Antoine DriveHouston28187809002814482936
MacArthur High School4400 Aldine Mail Route RoadHouston28198563302819856294
Nimitz High School2005 W.W. Thorne DriveHouston28144374802818213522
Total Schools: 5
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